Equal Opportunities
Caldicot School believes that every student should have the best possible education. We recognise that students can only achieve their full potential when they have confidence and a sense of self-worth.
To achieve this, we want to provide an environment where students are free to develop without being discriminated against because of gender, ethnic origin, belief, language, ability or social class. Staff work to ensure that the curriculum and all resources used reflect the composition of the school community.
Incidents of discrimination are immediately challenged and dealt with according to the agreed guidelines. A copy of the Caldicot School Equality and Diversity Policy is available within the Policies section of the school website. We ask for your support in upholding its principles.
Equality of opportunity has a high profile in the school and the values of inclusion and diversity are very evident in school life. Caldicot School is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities will not be treated less favourably, without justification, for a reason which relates to their disability. Reasonable steps are taken to ensure that disabled pupils are not placed at a substantial disadvantage to other students who are not disabled.
The Governing Body is committed to working with agencies to plan strategically for improving the physical environment of the school for disabled children and young people. It is committed to increasing disabled students’ participation in the curriculum and to improving ways in which written information is provided for disabled students.