Curriculum Overview
Curriculum vision
Our aim is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum which enables each member of the school community to become the ‘best versions of themselves’. Our curriculum is designed so that all students, regardless of their background or ability, is able to develop the attitudes and qualities which prepares them to
- achieve the very best academic standards in all subject areas, commensurate with their own ability;
- utilise the necessary skills which helps prepare them for life beyond school; and
- become good citizens, underpinned by our core values of: Honesty, Tolerance, Respect and Responsibility.
We take every opportunity to ensure all students make the best progress possible and achieve the highest possible standards in subjects and qualifications. We strive to narrow the gaps in achievement and enable those not achieving age-related expectations to catch up with their peers. Our ALNCo works closely with all departments, in order to support students so that they all have access to the curriculum. The school challenges more able and talented students so that they achieve their full potential and their progress is sustained and enhanced. We make certain that all young people develop the skills and abilities needed for success in life and can apply them in a wide range of contexts.
Teaching groups vary in nature but generally there are mixed ability classes on admission in Year 7. A process of setting, determined by each department, takes place as students move through the school. Some setting takes place in Year 7 with further extensions to setting in Years 8- 11.
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have a programme of study that includes English; mathematics; science; Welsh; art; drama; geography; history, Information & Communication Technology (ICT); modern foreign languages; music; physical education; personal & social education (PSE); religious education and design technology. PSE is delivered mainly through the timetabled tutor periods, supplemented occasionally by theatre-in-education performances, workshops and guest speakers.
Curriculum for Wales
At Caldicot, key stage 3 curriculum celebrates and promotes being ‘committed to achievement’ for all. It is designed so through the content of lessons; through strategic development of skills and through the nature of how students experience their learning, they develop into young adults who embody the four purposes of the Curriculum for Wales. Students are encouraged to become: ambitious, capable learners; enterprising, creative contributors; healthy, confident individuals; ethical, informed citizens.
Our curriculum places the four purposes at its core, where real- life context develops understanding, enabling our students to value, understand, contribute to and sometimes challenge the world in which we live. We value and promote diversity, inclusion and equality. Lesson content is supported by enrichment activities, a fundamental part of our school life. Curriculum design enables students to make progress across all areas of the school and nurture a healthy sense of wellbeing.
Each Area of Learning and Experience works collaboratively with our cluster primary schools to consider the entitlement for each student as they move to secondary school. Caldicot School is committed to supporting teaching and learning so students have the right experience that will help them embody the four purposes and become experts in their chosen fields.
Students in Years 10 and 11 follow the core National Curriculum of English Language and Literature; mathematics; science (with the option of separate sciences leading to 3 GCSEs); Welsh; religious education; physical education; PSE and Welsh Baccalaureate. In addition students choose three subjects from a range of options. A variety of vocational qualifications are available to compliment the traditional GCSE qualifications. Additional information regarding Key Stage 4 provision is available in our Year 8 Options Booklet.
By the end of Year 9, students choose the optional subjects they wish to study at Key Stage 4. Students are guided very carefully through this process in order that they make the choices that are appropriate for their needs, abilities and aspirations. The Year 9 options process begins in the latter half of the autumn term where pupils receive a number of presentations in assemblies from the Assistant Head responsible for the curriculum, from subject leaders and from outside agencies for courses they may not have experienced at Key Stage 3.
In February of Year 9, parents are invited to attend our Year 9 Options Evening where they too can listen to these presentations and speak to our Subject Leaders to discuss the suitability of courses for their children. Careers Wales
advisors are also available to give further guidance on career, further and higher education pathways.
GCSE Options 2023
A copy of the options booklet and options form are below for you to download.
Sixth Form
The majority of Sixth Form students study A Levels. Further information on our post-16 curriculum offer can be found in the Sixth Form section of the website.
The curriculum is effective in meeting the needs of nearly all students in key stage 4 and those who return to the sixth form. It offers a wide range of academic courses and a few vocational options (Estyn)
GCSE Options |
Year 8 Options Booklet 2023 |
Year 8 Options Form 2023 |