Behaviour for Learning
High standards of behaviour in an orderly community are the foundations upon which a first-rate education is built. We believe that good discipline in the classroom results from carefully prepared lessons designed to engage each student's interest and curiosity and to challenge their intellect.
We expect students to behave in an orderly manner, showing respect for each other and for our staff, as well as respect for our school buildings and the equipment they use.
Achievement certificates presented at assemblies and letters of praise to parents are some of the many ways used to reinforce positive behaviour. Our chosen team of sixth form prefects, together with the student leaders, help our staff at break times and lunchtimes to look after the welfare and safety of younger pupils as they move around the school.
There are occasions when our expectations are not met and our clear policy ensures that parents are kept informed of such occasions. Our Behaviour for Learning policy outlines our approach to securing high standards of conduct in lessons and around school.