Careers and World of Work programmes comprise a combination of careers education provided as part of the curriculum and impartial careers information, advice and guidance.
The school aim is to equip young people with the knowledge and skills to plan their learning and careers and to be aware of the skills required to be successful in employment and further education. We seek to encourage our students to
- explore the attitudes and values required for employability and lifelong learning;
- plan and manage their opportunities in learning and work;
- make effective career choices;
- become entrepreneurial;
- flourish in a variety of work settings;
- become motivated, set long term goals and overcome barriers;
- see the relevance of their studies to their life and work;
- develop key skills and other skills required by employers; and
- prepare for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of work and adult life.
How does the school help students?
The school works with many external organisations to provide pupils with an extensive work-related education programme. This is done through:
- careers fair;
- work experience;
- Welsh Baccalaureate;
- Enterprise opportunities;
- support from Careers Wales representative;
- notice board for apprenticeships or employment opportunities; and
- links to further education opportunities.